I come back to gardens time and time again for inspiration. These images look at domestic gardens and various aspects of gardening.
The Garden Of Solar Celebration
An idea that first came to fruition whilst studying for my MA, which I have recently re-imagined as an ongoing personal project. I designed a garden that exists on a planet that orbits around two suns, and imagined what sort of activities and events would happen there. The garden itself acts like a giant sun dial, a tall building casts two lines of shadow, and shows which part of the garden to use at certain times of the day.
Lockdown Gardens
After months of limited changes of scene, in November 2020 I decided to start a series of illustrations on my instagram based on gardens around the world I had never been to. This provided fresh inspiration for me and provided a virtual garden tour, so to speak, for my followers.
This project came about as a side shoot of my lockdown garden series, where during my research of gardens to paint, I also came across some magnificent buildings.
Corryvreckan Whirlpool
Corryvreckan Whirlpool: the piece depicts a Norse Kings boat, moored at the whirlpool, with only three ropes to hold it there for three days and three nights - all to impress the father of a local princess. The ropes, one made of hemp, one made of wool and the last made from maidens hair, each broke in turn, leaving the Norse King to meet an untimely death at the mercy of the whirlpool.
Garden Maps
Whilst studying for my MA I designed a garden and created a map and a key, this began an on-going theme of garden maps in my work.